Aaron Lee – Looking Outwards – 07

BikeCycle by Feltron

Nicholas Felton is both a designer and artist who transcribes numbers into something more meaningful whether it is an object or experience. One of the projects that I was interested was his collaboration with MoMa Store and art screen company Framed. They were using a year of data to come up with an app called BikeCycle.

The app visualizes a year of data in New York’s bike sharing program CitiBike focusing mainly into five different aspects. 1) Activity 2) popular routes 3)stations 4)bikes and 5)cyclist demographics.

I was mainly drawn by this project because I was interested in how bike rental apps developed over the course of the year. This project was done and released back in 2015, and obviously there are many more apps like this today. I was surprised to find how this app looks very similar that of today but also perhaps more artistic. It’s hard to know more about the specific algorithm behind the project but I could still read the creator’s artistic sensibilities.

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