Margot Gersing – Looking Outwards- 10

Weather Thingy example

This week I looked at a project called Weather Thingy by Adrien Kaeser. This project that uses a sound controller that takes weather and climate events to modify the musical instrument and the sound it makes.  

controller connected to the keyboard to play the music

Part of why I liked this project so much it is works in real time. It has sensors that collect data from the climate it is in and the controller interprets the data to create different sounds. The machine has a weather data collection station which includes a rain gauge, a wind vane and a anemometer. It also has a brightness sensor. The user then uses the interface to choose what sensor he is working with and uses a potentiometer to modify the data and create different sounds.

interface collecting data from the wind vane

I think this project is so interesting because of its presence in real time and its ability to act as a diary. This device can also store data from a specific time and then you can use that pre-recorded data later on. This way it is almost like a window to a certain time and what was going on then. I can see the potential of using this to see how climate change has affected the same spot over time. I can almost imagine a soundscape being made in one spot and then in the same spot 20 years later and see how different it is.

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