Chelsea Fan-Looking Outward 11

Molmol documents stories through media, moving images, robotics, kinetics and interactive sculptures. Molmol received an M.P.S at the Interactive Telecommunications Program, NYU and a B.A. at Communication Arts in Taiwan. She also spent a year interviewing an isolated leprosy community in Taiwan. She recently has been focusing on producing media work to create social impacts. For example, she create a film on homelessness, youth, and social justice called Treasure Hill.

Looking at her Treasure Hill film, I really admire that she is creating interesting films not just for art, but for a cause. I really admire this because her films touch important topics that are difficult for people to talk about. Because of this, it can bring more awareness to these issues.

Molmol’s projects do not involve the creation of a custom software.

Molmol Treasure Hill Film (2006).

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