Nawon Choi— Looking Outward 11

Landscape Abbreviated from Nova Jiang on Vimeo.

Nova Jiang is a Chinese artist who creates interactive works that encourage new forms of participation from the audience. She received her Master’s in Fine Arts in media arts at UCLA. She currently works in Los Angeles.

I chose to write about her project called “Landscape Abbreviated” (video above). In this project, she collected live moss from walls and cracks from around New York City to create a unique type of garden. She designed the space to create interventions using a software that continuously generates a new maze patterns based on mathematical rules. The arms rotate to form new pathways and block others. She intended to encourage viewers to change directions and viewpoints as they move throughout the space, not necessarily to trap them.

I thought this was a really interesting piece because of the way she collected live materials from around the city to create a shifting garden. I think it would have been cooler to have interactive features, and not just be an independently running program.

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