Kimberlyn Cho- Project 12- Proposal

I will be working with Sarah Kang for the final project to create an interactive cooking software that makes dumplings. While considering the various types of foods to make, we decided to make dumplings because we found many interactive aspects in the dumpling making process that we hope to incorporate in our project. There are 6 stages to the game with user interactions for each stage besides the final plating. We simplified the process into mixing the ingredients, rolling the dough, cutting the dough, folding the dumpling, frying the dumpling, and the final plating of the finished dumplings.

We will be using imported images we find online with images we code directly on p5js, as well as images we draw on illustrator and import to animate the game. The user will be able to interact with the game using the mouse cursor as well as specific keys such as the space bar.


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