Margot Gersing – Final Project Proposal

For my final project I want to create an interactive scene or compostion that the user can use to reveal things. I really want to incorporate the alphabet into the ‘environment’. I imagine this could act as a teaching tool that kids could play with and potentially help learn the alphabet.

basic sketch of the interactive composition

In order to interact with the environment the mouse would the catalyst for things to happen (using a mouseX() and mouseY() a lot). I also want the environment to be very graphic and abstract. I don’t want to create a literal scene but more of a interactive composition.

I hope to incorporate simple animation for the scene and the different interactions like the revealing and how the letters move. Also I want there to be very simple sound, like when events occur (revealing letters) and maybe some basic ambient noise.

I am really inspired by Paul Rand and his playful simple imagery. I also feel like this visual style will lend itself well to my goal and p5.js.

Inspiration Imagery by Paul Rand

Inspiration Imagery by Paul Rand
Inspiration Imagery by Paul Rand

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