Sewon Park – Final Project Proposal

I think art is inspiring as it serves as a versatile instrument where artists can communicate their beliefs and ideas to their viewers. Such message may be very personal such as the sentiment of happiness or sorrow or even socially conscious, trying to bring about changes that the artist believes in.
Such socially conscious art projects are valuable as it finds an easy way to communicate messages to the public. Not only is it easier to understand, such projects tend to resonate with the audience if interesting.

As such, I decided to go ahead with Professor Dannenberg’s suggestion to make a project with the theme of global warming. My previous blog posts had two global warming projects with vastly different ways of communicating the message. In my project, I will use both sympathy and entertaining interaction to communicate my message.

In order to clearly depict the how the wrongdoings of human beings are causing climate change, I will reserve one section of the project where the user can add pollution to the atmosphere through the destruction of trees and creation of factories. As the number of factories grow, the sun on the right hand side to grow bigger causing the ice caps to melt until the bears and penguins eventually submerge.

The point of the project is to portray that our own actions can cause global warming and cause the poor animals to die. Through interesting interaction and pity felt during this “game”, I hope that my message will reach its audience.

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