Project 1- My self portrait


function setup() {
    createCanvas(200, 200);
    background(50, 50, 180)

function draw() {
    background(50, 50, 180);
    ellipse(100, 90, 110, 160);
    line(60, 55, 80, 50);
    line(120,50, 140, 55);
    fill(50, 50, 240);
    circle(70, 70, 13);
    fill(50, 50,240 );
    circle(130, 70, 13);
    stroke(0, 255, 255);
    point(70, 70)
    point(130, 70)
    triangle(100, 80, 90, 90, 110, 90)
    quad(90,90, 90, 100, 110, 100, 110, 90)
    line(80, 120, 120, 120)
    line(75, 110, 80, 120)
    line(120, 120, 125, 110)
    circle(45, 80, 15)
    circle(155, 80, 15)
    line(30, 100, 100, 20,)
    line(100, 20, 170, 100)

most difficult part was doing math to make it symetrical


I thought of the videogame celeste, a 2d platformer with a very interesting soundtrack and plot about anxiety and mental illness. I admire the aesthetic and intricacy of the music and gameplay- In a lot of places it is intentionally constructed to make you feel the anxiety of the character you’re playing as. Celeste (2018) was designed, directed and written by Maddy Thorson and programmed by Thorson and Noel Berry, and the music was was written by Lena Raine. The first draft of the game was first created in 2016 using XNA software. Celeste was inspired by NES era platforms such as Super Mario Bros 3. There are opportunities in the future for more projects/games/music to give mental illness representation in the media now that the creators have the attention of thousands of gamers, musicians, and more. Though it is a video game, I would argue that it is in fact a project and a work of art with all the detail and psychology put into the music, graphics, art, and gameplay.