Project 01 – Self Portrait – srauch

A portrait of Sam Rauch!


function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
    background(231, 203, 62);

    //temporary guidelines
    //line(300, 0, 300, 600);
    //line(0, 300, 600, 300);

    fill(114, 193, 189);
    rect(120, 500, 360, 100);
    triangle(120, 500, 300, 460, 300, 500);
    triangle(300, 500, 300, 460, 480, 500);
    fill(75, 161, 156);
    triangle(120, 500, 120, 600, 60, 600);
    triangle(480, 500, 480, 600, 540, 600);
    ellipse(300, 505, 200, 60);

    fill(244, 233, 217); //light skin
    rect(225, 339, 150, 170);
    ellipse(300, 510, 150, 30);

    fill(199, 169, 127); //shadow skin
    ellipse(300, 400, 150, 150);
    rect(225, 339, 150, 67);

    fill(244, 233, 217); //light skin
    ellipse(300, 285, 260, 320);

    ellipse(170, 295, 50, 80);
    ellipse(430, 295, 50, 80);
    triangle(160, 332, 180, 335, 185, 350);
    triangle(440, 332, 420, 335, 415, 350);

    //hair base
    stroke(173, 94, 93); //hair dark
    arc(300, 285, 240, 300, 3.39, 6.03);

    fill(173, 94, 93);
    arc(300, 210, 220, 130, 3.15, 6.30);

    triangle(192, 250, 200, 200, 260, 200);
    triangle((600-192), 250, (600-200), 200, (600-260), 200);

    fill(173, 94, 93) //hair dark
    rect(172, 255, 20, 60, 0, 0, 20, 20);
    rect(408, 255, 20, 60, 0, 0, 20, 20);

    fill(61, 32, 31); //mouth pink
    arc(300, 375, 100, 90, 6.30, 3.15);

    stroke(61, 32, 31); //mouth pink
    strokeCap(ROUND); //case sensitive: SQUARE and ROUND
    line(255, 375, 345, 375);

    stroke(247, 246, 232); //teeth color
    line(262, 382, 338, 382);

    stroke(199, 168, 127);
    line(305, 300, 305, 345);

    //playing with whites of eyes
    //fill(247, 246, 232);
    //ellipse(245,300, 50, 40);
    //ellipse(355,300, 50, 40);
    //arc(245,300, 50, 40, 3.3, 6.15);
    //arc(355,300, 50, 40, 3.3, 6.15);

    //eye arcs
    stroke(69, 74, 69); //eye color
    arc(245,300, 50, 40, 3.3, 6.15);
    arc(355,300, 50, 40, 3.3, 6.15);

    //eye fill
    fill(69, 74, 69);
    ellipse(245, 295, 25, 25);
    ellipse(355, 295, 25, 25);

    stroke(87, 68, 44); //eyebrow color
    line(240, 260, 270, 262); //flat
    line(220, 270, 240, 260); //corner
    line((600-240), 260, (600-270), 262); //flat
    line((600-220), 270, (600-240), 260); //corner


    fill(237, 141, 141); //hair light

    triangle(380, 80, 350, 200, 240, 160);
    triangle(310, 70, 380, 200, 270, 200);
    triangle(190, 220, 300, 160, 220, 100);
    triangle(220, 190, 315, 160, 270, 90);
    triangle(200, 230, 230, 180, 190, 160);

    triangle(230, 200, 290, 200, 270, 240);
    triangle(200, 200, 250, 200, 230, 250);
    triangle(270, 200, 350, 200, 340, 250);
    triangle(195, 200, 230, 220, 185, 240);
    triangle(170, 195, 210, 180, 200, 230);
    triangle(220, 200, 270, 200, 280, 170);
    triangle(340, 140, 420, 130, 380, 200);
    triangle(340, 210, 410, 220, 370, 170);
    triangle(330, 210, 380, 240, 375, 210);


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