Project 01: Self Portrait

self portrait


The most challenging part of this project was figuring out which new components go on which coordinates (this part took quite a lot of trial and error).

// Kathy Lee, Section D function setup() { createCanvas(500, 500); background(230); text(“My Self Portrait”, 10, 15); } function draw() { //my hair fill(0); ellipse(250, 245, 200, 270); fill(0); rect(152, 220, 75, 200); fill(0); rect(273, 220, 75, 200); //face fill(223, 172, 107); ellipse(275-25, 275-25, 150, 225); //neck fill(223, 172, 107); rect(200+12.5, 300, 75, 125); fill(223, 172, 107); ellipse() //my rectangular shirt noStroke() fill(255); rect(100, 400, 300, 300, 50); //front hair that flows down past the shirt fill(0); rect(151, 375, 62, 100); fill(0); rect(287, 375, 62, 100); //eyes fill(0); ellipse(223, 220, 30, 20); // left eye (full pupil) fill(0); ellipse(277, 220, 30, 20); // right eye (full pupil) fill(223, 172, 107); ellipse(223, 225, 30, 20); // left eye skin tone fill(223, 172, 107); ellipse(277, 225, 30, 20); // right eye skin tone //nose fill(208, 161, 101); triangle(250, 250, 230, 280, 270, 280); //mouth fill(203, 117, 100); ellipse(250, 300, 50, 25); // pink lip color fill(223, 172, 107); ellipse(250, 290, 50, 20); // skin tone to highlight smiling mouth //ears fill(223, 172, 107); ellipse(180, 250, 40, 50); // left ear fill(15, 126, 47); ellipse(170, 275, 15, 15); // earring fill(223, 172, 107); ellipse(320, 250, 40, 50); // right ear fill(15, 126, 47); ellipse(330, 275, 15, 15); // earring //eyebrows fill(208, 161, 101); rect(210,190, 30, 7); // left eyebrow // I wanted to make the eyebrows with lines and change the strokeweight but then all the shapes get outlined? // Not sure exactly what’s going on so I will stick to rectangles for now fill(208, 161, 101); rect(260, 190, 30, 7); // right eyebrow }
// Kathy Lee, Section D

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    text("My Self Portrait", 10, 15);

function draw() {
    //my hair
    ellipse(250, 245, 200, 270);
    rect(152, 220, 75, 200);
    rect(273, 220, 75, 200);
    fill(223, 172, 107);
    ellipse(275-25, 275-25, 150, 225);
    fill(223, 172, 107);
    rect(200+12.5, 300, 75, 125);
    fill(223, 172, 107);

    //my rectangular shirt
    rect(100, 400, 300, 300, 50);

    //front hair that flows down past the shirt
    rect(151, 375, 62, 100);
    rect(287, 375, 62, 100);

    ellipse(223, 220, 30, 20); // left eye (full pupil)
    ellipse(277, 220, 30, 20); // right eye (full pupil)
    fill(223, 172, 107);
    ellipse(223, 225, 30, 20); // left eye skin tone
    fill(223, 172, 107);
    ellipse(277, 225, 30, 20); // right eye skin tone 

    fill(208, 161, 101);
    triangle(250, 250, 230, 280, 270, 280);

    fill(203, 117, 100);
    ellipse(250, 300, 50, 25); // pink lip color
    fill(223, 172, 107);
    ellipse(250, 290, 50, 20); // skin tone to highlight smiling mouth

    fill(223, 172, 107);
    ellipse(180, 250, 40, 50); // left ear
    fill(15, 126, 47);
    ellipse(170, 275, 15, 15); // earring
    fill(223, 172, 107);
    ellipse(320, 250, 40, 50); // right ear
    fill(15, 126, 47);
    ellipse(330, 275, 15, 15); // earring

    fill(208, 161, 101);
    rect(210,190, 30, 7); // left eyebrow
    // I wanted to make the eyebrows with lines and change the strokeweight but then all the shapes get outlined? 
    // Not sure exactly what's going on so I will stick to rectangles for now
    fill(208, 161, 101);
    rect(260, 190, 30, 7); // right eyebrow


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