project 01

My self portrait project!

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    background(249, 198, 187);

function draw() {
	background(249, 198, 187);
	fill(239, 221, 199); //skin tone
	rect(200, 200, 100, 300); //neck
	fill(226, 189, 181); //skin shadow
	ellipse(250, 300, 110, 110); //neck shadow
	fill(249, 198, 187); //bg color to carve neck shape out
	ellipse(330, 385, 80, 320); //bg to carve neck shape (right)
	ellipse(170, 385, 80, 320); //bg to carve neck shape (left)
    fill(168, 142, 112); //hair color
    ellipse(250, 180, 250, 270); //back of hair
	fill(239, 221, 199); //skin tone
    ellipse(250, 200, 200, 250); //bottom of head/chin
    ellipse(250, 180, 200, 200); //top of head, to round out
    ellipse(150, 220, 60, 80); //left ear
    ellipse(350, 220, 60, 80); //right ear
    stroke(226, 189, 181); //ear x
    line(130, 210, 155, 240); //L X
    line(135, 240, 150, 205); //L X
    line(370, 210, 345, 240); //R X
    line(365, 240, 350, 205);
    strokeWeight(0); //reset
    fill(168, 142, 112); //hair color
    ellipse(260, 100, 70, 70) //middle curl
    fill(239, 221, 199); //skin tone
    ellipse(274, 107, 55, 55); //skin to carve curl
    fill(122, 114, 105); //eyeliner color
    ellipse(200, 196, 55, 60); //L eyeliner
    ellipse(300, 196, 55, 60); //R eyeliner
    fill(234, 240, 247); //whites of eyes
    ellipse(200, 200, 55, 60); //L white of eye
    ellipse(300, 200, 55, 60); //R white of eye
    fill(113, 130, 154); //eyeball color
    ellipse(202, 200, 33, 33); //L eye
    ellipse(298, 200, 33, 33); //R eye
    fill(255); //eye highlights
    ellipse(190, 187, 15, 15); //L highlight
    ellipse(286, 187, 15, 15); //R highlight
    fill(168, 142, 112); //hair color (for eyebrows)
    ellipse(202, 150, 22, 10); //L eyebrow
    ellipse(298, 150, 22, 10); //R eyebrow
    fill(226, 189, 181); //skin shadow (for nose)
    triangle(250, 200, 235, 250, 265, 250);
    fill(186, 101, 101); //mouth color
    ellipse(250, 275, 35, 20); //mouth
    fill(250, 250, 242); //teeth color
    ellipse(250, 270, 30, 10); //teeth
    fill(103, 95, 130); //shirt color
    ellipse(250, 520, 250, 200); //shirt
    fill(129, 121, 156); //shirt collar color
    ellipse(250, 455, 115, 80) //collar
    fill(239, 221, 199); //skin tone
    ellipse(250, 445, 100, 70); //neck base
    fill(201, 199, 209); //for jewelry
    ellipse(145, 255, 10, 10); //L earring(s)
    ellipse(133, 246, 10, 10); //L earring(s)
    ellipse(130, 195, 10, 10); //L earring(s)
    ellipse(355, 255, 10, 10); //R earring(s)
    ellipse(367, 246, 10, 10); //R earring(s)
    ellipse(373, 232, 10, 10); //R earring(s)
    ellipse(237, 240, 10, 7); //nose piercing
    fill(125, 184, 144); //nose piercing jewel color
    ellipse(237, 240, 6, 4); //nose piercing jewel

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