Looking Outwards 02

LIA’s work draws me in because it is outstandingly compelling, and every piece has thought behind it. Her “Four Seasons” series is most interesting personally because of the shapes and colors she uses, as well as the details in movement for each season; slow, sharp, and downward movement for a snowy Winter, as opposed to the bright, warm, and growing/spiraling motion for spring, etc. The artistic sense is undeniable in LIA’s projects as her eye for color and composition as stated above is incredible.

In terms of the algorithm that generates her work, LIA’s animations are generated randomly as stated in the beginning of her videos, so there is no repetition. Moreover, it seems that she uses many variables for color, shapes, and motion because the website states that she codes with a fluidity. This implies that she may not have a specific picture in mind before coding, and declaring her own variables would allow for her to make changes to the entire piece in a convenient manner. I suppose this is especially useful in deciding colors, since I know from experience that even the slightest change in value or hue can enhance or mar the product.

“Winter” by LIA, the second part of a four-part series on seasons that showcases her ability to code and eye for shape, color, and motion
“Spring” by LIA, the third edition to the “Four Seasons” series that showcases her ability to code and eye for shape, color, and motion

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