LO 02: Generative Art

Form is a Fluid by Leonardo Solaas, October 2016

I looked at the generative art-inspired geometric structures by Leonardo Solaas. I think it’s really interesting how he used code and patterns to comment on the fluidity of form. There wasn’t much information about the code and algorithm itself but I would assume it involved moving through the number of lines that would be in the drawing, ranging from around 6 to 12, and slightly changing the angle and adjusting the length of every repetition to achieve that twisting movement as you look from one side to the other of the collection. When the individual drawings are looked at zoomed in, they are much more detailed and delicately crafted. I assume there was some part of the algorithm that created hatching lines between a point and different edges. The artist’s abilities especially shine through when looking at the chairs placed in front of the generated geometrical shapes– you can clearly connect the chairs to their inspiration and I think the process of studying form in this simulated but really organic way is super cool and inspiring. 

La forma es un fluido

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