Computational design of ornaments

Muqarnas is elaborate structural ornamentation that transits between floor plans and dome ceilings. This project done by Michael Hansmeyer involves using an algorithm to replicate and generate new patterns of muqarnas. I am intrigued by the dazzling patterns computers generate using simple logic. Thanks to computational design, what took hundreds of hours to design in the past can be done in minutes. This project also has implications for ornamental design in other areas, including clothing, interior design, etc.

Muqarnas generated by the algorithm

The algorithm first draws two contour lines marking the top and bottom of muqarnas, then subdividing the space in between recursively. To add variation, the software subdivides the space selectively based on the topographic features of each tile. Finally, contour lines are drawn between tiles of different tiers to add vertical dimension. The author shows his artistic sensibilities by subdividing the geometry so that each tile is too small to recognize. As a result, the muqarnas look like a continuous surface with concaves and convex features, which is different from traditional muqarnas. It is not just a replication of the past but a new design approach that utilizes the machine’s mighty computing power.

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