LO: Computational Architecture

One of the computational architecture art piece created by artist Michael Hansmeyer is Zauberflöte, a grotto set design for Mozart’s Magic Flute. The thing that I admire most about this project is the combination of classic art and modern experimental art presented by this project to the audience. Mozart’s Magic Flute has been a famous classic opera art piece and Michael Hansmeyer made use of algorithm to design the set for the opera. In this way, this one art piece can draw attention from different groups of art audience: people who are interested in modern experimental art and also people who are interested in classic art. From my knowledge, the grotto’s geometry is completely composed by a generative subdivision algorithm. By using algorithms as a compositional strategy, the artist created an architecture whose processes are deterministic but the results are not necessarily entirely foreseeable, which shows that computational art has the power to surprise the audience.

Zauberflöte set design, La Monnaie

Hansmeyer, Michael, Zauberflöte, 2018, https://www.michael-hansmeyer.com/zauberfloete

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