Variable Face project 02

For this project, I wanted to make something cuter than last week’s face, so I mapped everything out in illustrator and then translated the shapes to js. This workflow was much more efficient and allowed me to create cartoon facial expressions since I wasn’t focused on generating the coordinates or RGB codes for every shape. Unfortunately wordpress cuts a bit of the right side off 🙁

// hfroling Hazel Froling Section C *\

    var r=170;
    var g=204;
    var b=170;
    var x= 300;
    var dir= 1;
    var speed= 5;
    var mouth= 1;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function mousePressed() {
    mouth += 1;
    if ( mouth > 3) {
        mouth = 1;        

function draw() {

    if (mouth == 1) {
        background(r, g, b);
        fill(107,77,38); //hair color
        rect(111,168,374,329,45); //hair back
        fill(57,91,63); //green shirt
        rect(94,509,411,168,100); //shirt rect
        fill(244,212,189); //skin color
        stroke(168,125,80) // neck line color
        strokeWeight(2); //neck stroke
        rect(244,422,120,127,50); //neck
        ellipse(478,286,60); //right ear
        ellipse(120,286,60);  //left ear
        rect(130,130,340,340,150); //face
        fill(182,95,65); //mouth fill
        ellipse(300,394,104,85); //mouth
        fill(244,212,189); //skin color
        rect(220,334,160,52) //above mouth cover
        stroke(168,125,80) //skin line color
        strokeWeight(2); //2pt stroke
        fill(255); //white
        rect(248,386,104,11); //teeth
        fill(244,212,189); //skin color
        ellipse(303,335,41,26); //nose
        rect(254,307,52,63); //nose cover
        fill(96,57,19); //eye liner brown
        ellipse(218,279,91,83); //eye liner shape left
        ellipse(381,279,91,83); //eye liner shape right
        fill(255); //white
        ellipse(222,280,88,83); //left eye white 
        fill(119,119,75); // green iris
        ellipse(222,280,52,49); //left eye iris
        fill(0); //black pupil
        ellipse(222,280,31,29); //left eye pupil
        fill(255); //white glint
        ellipse(232,272,10,17); //left glint
        fill(255); //white
        ellipse(377,280,88,83); //right eye white 
        fill(119,119,75); // green iris
        ellipse(377,280,52,49); //right eye iris
        fill(0); //black pupil
        ellipse(377,280,31,29); //right eye pupil
        fill(255); //white glint
        ellipse(387,272,10,17); //right glint
        fill(244,212,189); //skin color
        ellipse(201,324,133,83); // left cheek cover
        ellipse(402,324,133,83); // right cheek cover
        fill(242,200,189); //cheek color
        ellipse(203,338,107,83); //left cheek
        ellipse(396,338,107,83); //right cheek
        fill(96,57,19); //eye liner brown
        triangle(165,280,174,279,173,286); //left lower lash
        triangle(168,273,175,273,174,278); //left upper lash
        triangle(435,280,426,279,426,285); //right lower lash
        triangle(425,273,425,278,431,273); //right upper lash
        fill(107,77,38); //hair color
        ellipse(300,140,300,83); //top of hair
        ellipse(139,202,57,115); //left of hair
        ellipse(459,202,57,115); //right of hair
        ellipse(213,165,180,105); //left bangs
        ellipse(385,165,180,105); //right bangs
    if (mouth == 2) {
        fill(107,77,38); //hair color
        rect(111,168,374,329,45); //hair back
        fill(57,91,63); //green shirt
        rect(94,509,411,168,100); //shirt rect
        fill(244,212,189); //skin color
        stroke(168,125,80) // neck line color
        strokeWeight(2); //neck stroke
        rect(244,422,120,127,50); //neck
        ellipse(478,286,60); //right ear
        ellipse(120,286,60);  //left ear
        rect(130,130,340,340,150); //face
        fill(182,95,65); //mouth fill
        ellipse(300,394,104,85); //mouth
        fill(244,212,189); //skin color
        rect(220,344,160,57); //above mouth cover
        stroke(168,125,80); //skin line color
        strokeWeight(2); //2pt stroke
        line(249,400,351,400); //top lip
        fill(244,212,189); //skin color
        ellipse(303,335,41,26); //nose
        rect(254,307,52,63); //nose cover
        fill(96,57,19); //eye liner brown
        ellipse(218,279,91,83); //eye liner shape left
        ellipse(381,279,91,83); //eye liner shape right
        fill(255); //white
        ellipse(224,280,82,83); //left eye white 
        fill(119,119,75); // green iris
        ellipse(222,275,52,49); //left eye iris
        fill(0); //black pupil
        ellipse(222,275,31,29); //left eye pupil
        fill(255); //white glint
        ellipse(232,272,10,17); //left glint
        fill(255); //white
        ellipse(375,280,82,83); //right eye white 
        fill(119,119,75); // green iris
        ellipse(377,275,52,49); //right eye iris
        fill(0); //black pupil
        ellipse(377,275,31,29); //right eye pupil
        fill(255); //white glint
        ellipse(387,272,10,17); //right glint
        fill(244,212,189); //skin color
        ellipse(210,320,133,83); // left cheek cover
        ellipse(393,320,133,83); // right cheek cover
        fill(250,200,189); //cheek color
        ellipse(203,338,107,83); //left cheek
        ellipse(396,338,107,83); //right cheek
        fill(96,57,19); //eye liner brown
        triangle(165,280,174,279,173,286); //left lower lash
        triangle(168,273,175,273,174,278); //left upper lash
        triangle(435,280,426,279,426,285); //right lower lash
        triangle(425,273,425,278,431,273); //right upper lash
        fill(107,77,38); //hair color
        ellipse(300,140,300,83); //top of hair
        ellipse(139,202,57,115); //left of hair
        ellipse(459,202,57,115); //right of hair
        ellipse(213,165,180,105); //left bangs
        ellipse(385,165,180,105); //right bangs
        fill(221,168,181); // tounge color
        ellipse(300,450,44,39); //tounge shape
        fill(182,95,65); // mouth fill
        ellipse(300,418,63,33); //tounge cover
        fill(124,54,36); //tonsil color
        ellipse(306,431,12,24) //right tonsil
        ellipse(294,431,12,24) //left tonsil
        fill(221,168,181); // tounge color
        rect(287,433,26,14); // tonsil cover
        stroke(182,95,65); //tounge line color
        line(300,434,300,458) //tounge groove
        } else if (mouth == 3){ 
                background(200,200,255); //light blue
                fill(107,77,38); //hair color
                rect(111,168,374,329,45); //hair back
                fill(57,91,63); //green shirt
                rect(94,509,411,168,100); //shirt rect
                fill(244,212,189); //skin color
                stroke(168,125,80) // neck line color
                strokeWeight(2); //neck stroke
                rect(244,422,120,127,50); //neck
                ellipse(478,286,60); //right ear
                ellipse(120,286,60);  //left ear
                rect(130,130,340,340,150); //face
                fill(244,212,189); //skin color
                ellipse(303,335,41,26); //nose
                rect(254,307,52,63); //nose cover
                fill(96,57,19); //eye liner brown
                ellipse(218,279,91,83); //eye liner shape left
                ellipse(381,279,91,83); //eye liner shape right
                fill(255); //white
                ellipse(222,280,92,87); //left eye white 
                fill(119,119,75); // green iris
                ellipse(222,280,52,49); //left eye iris
                fill(0); //black pupil
                ellipse(222,280,31,29); //left eye pupil
                fill(255); //white glint
                ellipse(232,272,10,17); //left glint
                fill(255); //white
                ellipse(377,280,92,87); //right eye white 
                fill(119,119,75); // green iris
                ellipse(377,280,52,49); //right eye iris
                fill(0); //black pupil
                ellipse(377,280,31,29); //right eye pupil
                fill(255); //white glint
                ellipse(387,272,10,17); //right glint
                fill(244,212,189); //skin color
                ellipse(201,330,133,83); // left cheek cover
                ellipse(402,330,133,83); // right cheek cover
                fill(242,200,189); //cheek color
                ellipse(203,338,107,83); //left cheek
                ellipse(396,338,107,83); //right cheek
                fill(96,57,19); //eye liner brown
                triangle(165,280,174,279,173,286); //left lower lash
                triangle(168,273,175,273,174,278); //left upper lash
                triangle(435,280,426,279,426,285); //right lower lash
                triangle(425,273,425,278,431,273); //right upper lash
                fill(107,77,38); //hair color
                ellipse(300,140,300,83); //top of hair
                ellipse(139,202,57,115); //left of hair
                ellipse(459,202,57,115); //right of hair
                ellipse(213,165,180,105); //left bangs
                ellipse(385,165,180,105); //right bangs
                stroke(168,125,80); // neck line color
                fill(182,95,65); //mouth fill
                ellipse(300,412,40,53); //round mouth

    if (mouseX > width/2 & mouseY > height/2){
        stroke(119,119,75); //stem green
        line(583,300,583,350); //stem
        fill(57,91,63); //dark green
        rect(548,411,69,138,20); //arm
        fill(244,212,189); //skin color
        stroke(168,125,80); // skin line color
        strokeWeight(2); //neck stroke
        rect(584,335,21,60,20); //thumb
        rect(552,349,60,21,20); //top finger
        rect(552,369,60,21,20); //middle finger
        rect(552,390,60,21,20); //bottom finger
        rect(583,350,21,60,20); //knuckle cover
        fill('white'); //petal color
        rect(583,292,19,19,19); //petal
        rect(564,292,19,19,19); //petal
        rect(559,275,19,19,19); //petal
        rect(573,266,19,19,19); //petal
        rect(588,275,19,19,19); //petal
        fill(255,206,0); //yellow color
        rect(573,281,19,19,19); //center petal
    if( mouseX > width/2 & mouseY < height/2){
            stroke(119,119,75); //stem green
            line(583,300,583,350); //stem
            fill(57,91,63); //dark green
            rect(548,411,69,138,20); //arm
            fill(244,212,189); //skin color
            stroke(168,125,80); // skin line color
            strokeWeight(2); //neck stroke
            rect(584,335,21,60,20); //thumb
            rect(552,349,60,21,20); //top finger
            rect(552,369,60,21,20); //middle finger
            rect(552,390,60,21,20); //bottom finger
            rect(583,350,21,60,20); //knuckle cover
            fill(240,230,255); //petal color
            rect(583,292,19,19,19); //petal
            rect(564,292,19,19,19); //petal
            rect(559,275,19,19,19); //petal
            rect(573,266,19,19,19); //petal
            rect(588,275,19,19,19); //petal
            fill('white'); //white
            rect(573,281,19,19,19); //center petal
        if( mouseX < width/2 & mouseY > height/2){
            fill(57,91,63); //dark green
            rect(548,411,69,138,20); //arm
            fill(244,212,189); //skin color
            stroke(168,125,80); // skin line color
            strokeWeight(2); //neck stroke
            rect(584,315,21,60,20); //thumb
            rect(552,349,60,21,20); //top finger
            rect(552,369,60,21,20); //middle finger
            rect(552,390,60,21,20); //bottom finger
            rect(583,350,21,60,20); //knuckle cover

            else if (mouseX < width/2 & mouseY < height/2){
            fill(57,91,63); //dark green
            rect(548,411,69,138,20); //arm
            fill(244,212,189); //skin color
            stroke(168,125,80); // skin line color
            strokeWeight(2); //neck stroke
            rect(584,335,21,60,20); //thumb
            rect(552,349,60,21,20); //top finger
            rect(552,369,60,21,20); //middle finger
            rect(552,390,60,21,20); //bottom finger
            rect(583,350,21,60,20); //knuckle cover
            fill('white'); //petal color
            rect(547,259,63,90,30); //bunny body
            rect(556,217,12,58,30); //bunny ear L
            rect(588,217,12,58,30); //buny ear r
            point(563,282); //bunny eyes
            point(592,282); //bunny eyes
            triangle(577,290,580,299,574,299); //bunny nose
            line(577,299,577,308); //bun mouth
            line(577,308,583,312); //bun mouth
            line(577,308,569,312); //bun mouth

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