Looking Outwards – Holger Lippmann

The art series I was most intrigued by was noiseScape IV by Holger Lippmann (2021).

link to website: http://www.lumicon.de/wp/?p=3914

This series of generative art is simple in the way its structured visually, but its still very interesting. The first thing that sticks out to me is the fact that each piece is stratified into horizontal layers. In each layer are squiggly vertical lines. The way the vertical lines are drawn reminds me of a cascading hilly landscape.

In some of the pieces I notice that some areas of the canvas are left blank which create cloud like shapes that float around on the canvas.

I’m not sure how it would have been coded but I’d guess that
the artist maybe defined the boundaries of each layer and the
computer “semi randomly” drew lines between those boundaries. The reason why I say “semi randomly” is because there seems to be a logic behind how each lines are drawn after all each line somewhat follows the path of the adjacent lines. The artist must’ve also defined the colors as the colors of the lines are harmonious.

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