Media Lab’s “Aguahoja”, 2017
The Mediated Matter Group’s “Aguahoja” is not only inspirational to me but also very compelling. I admire that this work is a collection of digitally fabricated biomaterials that require literally no work. The project integrates material formation, digital fabrication, and physical behavior of the biological world to create biodegradable composites that combine natural life with manmade goods.
The work involves water-based design and technology to integrate the natural materials with manmade goods. The pieces are printed by a robot, which I suppose must receive instructions on how and what to print by the designers. Along with the robot’s work, the pieces are shaped by water which I also suppose must have been programmed by the designers on how to function.
The creators’ artistic sensibilites are manifested in geometric patterns and shapes within the project. While the pieces are created by robots, the creators preserve the look of manmade materials, but also mimick the natural feel of the natural life.