Looking Outwards 03: Computational Fabrication

Christoph Bader, Dominik Kolb, William Patrick, Steven Keating, Sunanda Sharma, Prof. Neri Oxman
The “Wanderers”

The “Wanderers” by MIT Media Lab professor Neri Oxman is an extraordinary and inspirational project.

The works integrate the themes of nature, life, fashion, and 3D design so perfectly. Through exploring the biological growth process and the elements that sustain life–“earth, water, air, and fire”, the works are not only full of vitality and connotation, but also they are very sophisticated and exquisite in terms of the aesthetic aspect.

As for the algorithms that generated the work, “phenotype” is transformed into “genotype”. The input geometric representations are repeatedly transformed and deformed to form various organic shapes that simulate the process of growth.

The colors in the wearables are well-combined. You can get an understanding of “life” through her designs–the organic shapes and forms, simulating the biological growth process in nature, remind the viewers of the constantly dividing cells, the sophisticated brain, and the marvelous and diverse plants.

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