Dynamic Drawing – Meditating Stick Figure

For my project I drew a stick figure that is mediating. There are shapes that come off from the hand. The color, opacity, number of sides, and size of the shape are all dependent on the position of the mouse. The face of the stick figure is also dependent on the mouse.

//Nakshatra Menon
//Section C 

function setup() {
    createCanvas(450, 600);


var size = 30;
var sides1 = 3;
var leftHandX = 84
var leftHandY = 300 
var rightHandX = 401
var rightHandY = 320
var color1 = 255
var color2 = 255
var color3 = 255
var color4 = 255 
var face = 1

function draw() {
    // carpet 
    color4 = (mouseX)/4
    ellipse(232, 430, 438, 176); 

    // stick figure drawings
    beginShape();       // left arm
        vertex(233, 244);
        vertex(157, 317);
        vertex(105, 303);
    beginShape();      // right arm 
        vertex(233, 244);
        vertex(315, 324);
        vertex(380, 321);
    beginShape();     // body and left leg 
        vertex(235, 214);
        vertex(237, 395);
        vertex(130, 315);
        vertex(194, 374);
        vertex(254, 417);
    beginShape();      // right leg 
        vertex(237, 395);
        vertex(354, 326);
        vertex(291, 370);
        vertex(240, 402);
        vertex(232, 408);
        vertex(216, 415);
    ellipse(232, 152, 122, 116); // head
    ellipse(leftHandX, leftHandY, 39, 6) // left hand
    ellipse(rightHandX, rightHandY, 39, 6); //right hand 
    ellipse(201, 415, 24, 6) // left foot
    ellipse(269, 417, 24, 6); //right foot 

    // face if mouse is on left 
    if(face == 1){    
        beginShape();      // right eye 
        curveVertex(177, 140);
        curveVertex(177, 140);
        curveVertex(195, 152);
        curveVertex(214, 145);
        curveVertex(214, 145);
    beginShape();      // right eye 
        curveVertex(243, 147);
        curveVertex(243, 147);
        curveVertex(260, 158);
        curveVertex(279, 152);
        curveVertex(279, 152);
    beginShape();      // smile
        curveVertex(226, 185);
        curveVertex(226, 185);
        curveVertex(246, 188);
        curveVertex(255, 180);
        curveVertex(255, 180);

    // face if mouse is on right 
    if(face == 2){   
    ellipse(195, 152, 25, 50);
    ellipse(260, 158, 25, 50);
    line(216, 200, 243, 200);

    // face changes w/ mouse 
    if(mouseX <= 240){
        face = 1

    if(mouseX >= 240){
        face = 2

    // sides increase as mouse goes right, size 15-25
    if(mouseX >= 120) {
        sides1 = (mouseX/30)/2
        size = constrain((2*(mouseY/mouseX)*30), 5, 25)

    // if the mouseX is on the left then the shapes are a tri
    if(mouseX < 120) {
        sides1 = 3
        size = 5

    // the color changes based on the position of the mouse 
    color1 = mouseX
    color2=  mouseY
    color3 = (mouseX/mouseY)*2

    //draw shape right   
    fill(color1, color2, color3, mouseY-76);
    polygon(rightHandX-29, rightHandY-71, size , sides1);
    fill(color2, color3, color1, mouseY-113);
    polygon(rightHandX+30, rightHandY-67, size, sides1);
    fill(color3, color1, color2, mouseX-126);
    polygon(rightHandX-51, rightHandY-160, size, sides1);
    fill(color1/2, color2/2, color3/2, mouseY-145);
    polygon(rightHandX+20, rightHandY-201, size, sides1);
    fill(color2/2, color3/2, color1/2, mouseY-187);
    polygon(rightHandX-69, rightHandY-243, size, sides1);
    fill(color3/2, color1/2, color2/2, mouseX-126);
    polygon(leftHandX+54, rightHandY-266, size, sides1);
    line(rightHandX, rightHandY, 320, 214 - (mouseY/3))
    line(rightHandX, rightHandY, 354, 99-(mouseY/3))
    line(rightHandX, rightHandY, 396, 28 -(mouseY/3))
    line(rightHandX, rightHandY, 430, 54-(mouseY-3))
    line(rightHandX, rightHandY, 430, 200-(mouseY-3))

    // draw shape left 
    fill(color1/3, color2/3, color3/3, mouseY-166);
    polygon(leftHandX-3, leftHandY-28, size, sides1);
    fill(color1/3, color2/3, color2/3,mouseY-183);
    polygon(leftHandX-89, leftHandY-97, size, sides1);
    fill(color3/3, color2/2, color1/4, mouseY-114);
    polygon(leftHandX-11, leftHandY-108, size, sides1);
    fill(color3, color1, color2, mouseY-123);
    polygon(leftHandX-63, leftHandY-140, size, sides1);
    fill(color3, color2, color1, mouseX-153);
    polygon(leftHandX-71, leftHandY-223, size, sides1);
    fill(color2, color1, color2, mouseY-123);
    polygon(leftHandX-1, leftHandY-254, size, sides1);
    line(leftHandX, leftHandY, 8, 214 - (mouseY/3))
    line(leftHandX, leftHandY, 8, 99-(mouseY/3))
    line(leftHandX, leftHandY, 68, 28 -(mouseY/3))
    line(leftHandX, leftHandY, 177, 54-(mouseY-3))
    line(leftHandX, leftHandY, 169, 200-(mouseY-3))

// opposite direction  
    // sides increase as mouse goes right 
    if(mouseX <= 400) {
        sides1 = ((width-mouseX)/30)/2
        size = constrain((3*(mouseY)/mouseX), 5, 25)

    // if the mouseX is on the left then the shapes are a tri
    if(mouseX > 400) {
        sides1 = 3
        size = 5
    // draw shape right 
    fill(color3, color3, color1, mouseX-50);
    polygon(rightHandX+3, rightHandY-30, size, sides1);
    fill(color3, color2, color2, mouseY-25);
    polygon(rightHandX+8, rightHandY-79, size, sides1);
    fill(color3, color2, color2, mouseY-46);
    polygon(rightHandX+3, rightHandY-128, size, sides1);
    fill(color1, color1, color2, mouseX-16);
    polygon(rightHandX+12, rightHandY-136, size, sides1);
    fill(color2, color3, color2, mouseY-19);
    polygon(rightHandX-21, rightHandY-201, size, sides1);
    fill(color1, color1, color2, mouseY-32);
    polygon(rightHandX-21, rightHandY-274, size, sides1);

    // draw shape left  
    fill(color1, color2, color3/4, mouseX-240);
    polygon(leftHandX+46, leftHandY-56, size, sides1);
    fill(color3, color1/5, color2, mouseY-32);
    polygon(leftHandX+5, leftHandY-63, size, sides1);
    fill(color3, color2, color1, mouseY-45);
    polygon(leftHandX-40, leftHandY-59, size, sides1);
    fill(color3, color2/3, color2/2, mouseX-98);
    polygon(leftHandX+38, leftHandY-173, size, sides1);
    fill(color3/2, color1, color2/2, mouseY-134);
    polygon(leftHandX-8, leftHandY-170, size, sides1);
    fill(color3, color1/3, color1/2, mouseX-77);
    polygon(leftHandX-63, leftHandY-209, size, sides1);    

// needed to draw polygon, got code from https://p5js.org/examples/form-regular-polygon.html
function polygon(x, y, radius, npoints) {
    let angle = TWO_PI / npoints;
    for (let a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a += angle) {
    let sx = x + cos(a) * radius;
    let sy = y + sin(a) * radius;
    vertex(sx, sy);


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