Light and sound

This project is all about sound visualization. Amay Kataria visualizes sound by constructing 24 light beams arranged like a synthesizer. Each time there is a sonic input, the corresponding light turns on by performing different notes, the light flickers and continuously changes its pattern. The light and sound are tied in a way that, fundamentally, they are all waves that mark their presence in the outer world. Besides, it also connects to the inner world, which is people’s minds, since user inputs control all patterns.

Performers controlling the installation

The artists showcase his artistic sensibility by developing a system that mimics the human brain, which receives inputs from multiple sources and stores it in the database, which is interpreted and expressed through light and sound. Personally, I like how the system takes into account all users’ input at the same time which emphasizes each individual as a part of the community. It connects individuals in an anonymous way that highlights the hive-mind of humanity.

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