Looking Outwards 05: 3D Computer Graphics, Section B

Mikael Hvidtfeldt Christensen is a generative artist with a background in physics and computational chemistry. He generates 3D images in a project called Syntopia. His works are varied and experimental. He keeps a blog and a Flickr account of his finished works and his experiments. I admire his sharing the results of his experiments with the world. Even though they are not completed works they are inspiring and show the iterative process that goes into creating a project.

Most of Christensen’s images are geometric renderings of complex shapes and building designs; however he has also created color swapping algorithms and texturizing art. The images from these projects take existing images and sort the colors into layers or add disturbing textures, such as lizard scales to lettuce.

Christensen is passionate about complex systems and has written his own software to generate and render his images. His software, Structure Synth, is available for download and can be found here. It is written in C++, OpenGL, and Qt 4.

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