Looking Outwards 06: Randomness

I really like June Lee’s Cubic Tower, and I found randomness in their design. The reason why I admire their work on using randomness in computational design (this time is Grasshopper), while the randomness is still controllable. For example, they use boundaries and populate geometry to get computed random points inside the extruded square base using seeds, then they are able to create smaller cubes with only 3 different sizes using the Octree functions, which creates cubes by determining how dense the points are in the area, to be the components of the tower. Even after creating the randomness (that is inside a boundary), they are still able to add details afterward by using functions that turn the mess into individual components. Even after creating the cluster of computer generated randomness, they are still able to split the randomness randomly to add different materials towards the final product. I was really amazed by their ability to fully control the randomness even after already initializing the random points. 



Cubic Tower by June Lee

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