Project 6 Abstract Clock

This is my abstract clock: The candles’ fire represents the passing of each second, the height of the candle represents the hour of the day and the sheets of paper represent the minutes remaining in the hour.

//Michael Li
//Section C 

function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 480);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);
    background (220)

    //write object for candle dimensions
    var candle = {xPos: 130, yPos: 120, w: 50,  h: 280}
    //establish variables for the timer
    var timerS;
    var timerM; 
    var timerH;
    //Pen x position
    var penX = 370;
    //pen movement indedx
    var moveP = 0.3;

function draw() {
    background(62, 35, 16); //dark brown
    timerM = minute(); //assign minute function for variable
    fill(76, 135, 74); //green book cover
    rect(190, 420, 230, 20); //draw bottom cover
    //alternate the page color between white and grey for distinction
    //use for loop to draw number of pages depending on the minute
    for (var i = 0; i<=60-timerM; i++){
        if (i%2==0){
        } else {
        //draw pages
        rect(190, 420-(3*i), 230, 3);

    //draw pen function
    drawPen(penX, 235+3*timerM);
    //pen moves left and right
    penX +=moveP;
        //constrain pen in a range
        if (penX>= 380 || penX <= 350){
            moveP = -moveP;
    //draw the panel with the hour carvings
    drawBackPanel(80, 100);

    //draw the table
    fill(154, 121, 102);
    rect(0, height*9/10, width, height*9/10);

    //draw hour carvings behind the candle
    //for loop to draw the larger lines
    for (var i = 0; i <=12; i++){
        stroke(161, 158, 75);
        line(100, 350.4-(9.6*2*i), 215, 350.4-(9.6*2*i));
    //drawing the shorter lines
    } for (var i = 0; i <=12; i++){
        stroke(161, 158, 75);
        line(120, 360-(9.6*2*i), 195, 360-(9.6*2*i));
    //drawing the body of the candle
    drawCandleB(candle.xPos, candle.yPos, candle.w, candle.h);
    //drawing the base of the candle
    drawBase(candle.xPos-10, 360);

    //assign hour to variable timerH
    timerH = hour();
    //map the hour to fit the candle length
    var hourMap = map(timerH/2, 0, 12, 240, 10);
    //candle length changes depending on the hour
    candle.yPos = 120 + 240 - hourMap;
    candle.h = hourMap + 30;

//function for drawing the candle's body
function drawCandleB (x, y, w, h){
    //establish remapped value for hour
    var hourMap = map(timerH/2, 0, 12, 240, 30);

    fill(250, 244, 192); //light yellow
    rect(x, y, w, h); //candle  body
    //function for drawing the fire
    drawCandleFire(x, y, w, h);
    //function for drawing the wax dripping
    drawCanldeT(x, y, w);
    //function for drawing the halo of light
    drawLight(x, y, w, h, hourMap);

//function for drawing the wax
function drawCanldeT (x, y, w){
    //set lineweight
    stroke(220, 213, 142); //darker yellow

    line(x+2, y, x+w-2, y);//horizontal line
    //two drips
    line(x+w*3/5, y, x+w*3/5, y+w/2); 
    line(x+w*4/5, y, x+w*4/5, y+w*3/4);
//function for drawing the fire
function drawCandleFire (x, y, w, h){
    //establish variable for the tip of the fire
    //fire positions
    var fTipy; 
    var fTipx;
    //variable for seconds for fire flicker
    timerS = second();
    //fire flickers each second
    if (timerS %2 == 0){
        fTipy = y-w*4/5;
        fTipx = x+w/2;
    } else {
        fTipy = y-w*4/5;
        fTipx = x+w/2 - 10;
    //draws the fire
        fill(246, 74, 22); //red
        ellipse(x+w/2, y-w/5, w/4, w/3);
        triangle(fTipx, fTipy, x+w*5/8, y-w/5, x+3*w/8, y-w/5);
//halo of light
function drawLight (x, y, w, h, hour){

    timerS = second();//establish the second variable
    //halo grows and shrinks each second
    if (timerS %2 == 0){
        hourMap = hour+10;
    } else {
        hourMap = hour-5;

    fill(249, 246, 152, 20);//yellow with light transparency
    ellipse(x+w/2, y-w*2/5, hourMap*2, hourMap*2); //draws light

//function drawing the back panel
function drawBackPanel (x, y){
    stroke(225, 176, 104); // light brown
    //outer framing
    line(x, y, x, y+350);
    line(x+155, y, x+155, y+350);
    arc(x+77, y, x+75, y+55, PI, 0);

    //inner board
    fill(186, 167, 135);

    ellipse(x+77, y, x+75, y+55);
    rect(x, y, x+75, y+250);
//candle base
function drawBase (x, y){
    fill(100); //grey
    //top and bottom qadralateral
    quad(x, y, x+70, y, x+60, y+20, x+10, y+20);
    quad(x+10, 420, x+60, y+60, x+70, y+73, x, y+73);
    //middle rectangle
    rect(x+10, y+20, 50, 40);
function drawPen (x, y){
        translate(x, y); //move to the right
        rotate(radians(315)); //rotate for pen mvement
        fill(200); //grey
        //draws pen
        rect(0, 0, 100, 5);
        fill(255); //white
        triangle(0, 0, 0, 5, -5, 2.5);

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