Week 5 blog

Roger Magrini is an artist that uses programs as well as manual correction to generate human faces that look insanely realistic. I was first introduced to his work by one of my friends in high school when they asked me to guess which of the people out of a set of pictures was a real person. The people are so fully rendered that it’s impossible to tell the difference between them and an actual person’s picture. I assume that the programs he runs have something to do with facial proportions and to get the final result he runs randomizers to combine traits, coloring, and proportions. I’m not sure how he is able to make the people look like people and take into account traits that usually come together like pale skin and freckles with lighter eyes etc because there are obviously exceptions to these groupings but I guess that’s all stuff that is much more complicated and stuff that is learned later on if I choose to continue to pursuing computing stuff related to rendering.


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