//Xinyi Du
//15104 Section B
//Referrence Curve: Atzema Spiral
//move the mouse up and down to change the rotation angle
//move the mouse left and right to change radius
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 480);
function draw() {
//draw the pair of lines that change with mouseX and mouseY
lines1(mouseX, mouseY);
lines2(mouseX, mouseY);
//define the function to draw the lines
function lines1 (R, A) {
//constrain the angle and radius and map them to specific ranges
RR = constrain(R, 0, width);
AA = constrain(A, 0, height);
//radius with the range(20, 20)
r = map(RR, 0, width, 20, 50);
//angle within the range(50, 800)
a = map(AA, 0, height, 50, 800);
//for loop to draw the lines and circles
for (angle = 57.2957795; angle < 57.2957795+a; angle += 3) {
push(); //push to save the orgin tranformation
//translate the origin to (width/3, width/3)
translate(width/3, width/3);
//polar coordinates according to Atzema Spiral
var t = radians(angle);
var x = x3+ r * ( sin(t)/t - 2*cos(t) - t*sin(t) );
var y = y3+ r * ( -cos(t)/t - 2*sin(t) - t*cos(t) );
//another series of polar coordinates with 60 more degrees of angle
var t2 = radians(angle+60);
var x2 = x3 + (r) * ( sin(t2)/t2 - 2*cos(t2) - t2*sin(t2) );
var y2 = y3 + (r) * ( -cos(t2)/t2 - 2*sin(t2) - t2*cos(t2) );
//reference circle polar coordinates
var radius = 2*r; //radius of the circle
var x3 = radius * cos(radians(angle));
var y3 = radius * sin(radians(angle));
//purple and opacity 90 of the lines from center to polar coordinates
stroke(183, 125, 255, 90);
line(0, 0, x, y);
//blurish purple
stroke(104, 81, 225);
//three circles
ellipse(0, 0, radius*2, radius*2);
ellipse(0, 0, radius*2+10, radius*2+10);
ellipse(0, 0, radius*2+20, radius*2+20);
stroke(1, 124, 228);
//lines from first series of polar coordinates to the second series
line(x, y, x2, y2);
//lines from center to the reference circle
line(0, 0, x3, y3);
stroke(183, 125, 255)
fill(183, 125, 255);
//small circles
circle(x, y, 3);
pop(); //pop to return to the original setting of the origin
//rotate 180 degrees of the lines1
function lines2 (R, A) {
//tranlate the origin
translate(width, height);
//call the function lines1
lines1(R, A);