Blog 09

Camille Utterback is an artist focusing on interaction between humans and technology. Using software she writes herself, she aims to capture human movement as it is – ever-changing – through technology. With a degree from Williams College in Massachusetts, she continues to develop her body of work while teaching at schools like Stanford, Parsons, and even CMU. Her work Precarious, I think, is an incredible example of what she sets out to do. Exhibited in 2018 at the Smithsonian, Precarious is an interactive installation that translates human movement and silhouettes into continuous lines that never create a closed shape, to replicate the living, breathing, moving nature of viewers through technology. Being that the digital drawings are never fixed, the work continues to grow and change with every person that interacts with the artwork, making each viewer seem to become apart of the artwork themselves. I think this work by Utterback specifically finds the qualities that make people human and tries to reimagine it using technology that changes with the humans that view the installation. Her work begins to connect humans with technology, making technology something almost human itself. Eerie.

Camille Utterback


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