Looking Outwards 09: A Focus on Women and Non-binary Practitioners in Computational Art 

video of Delicate Boundaries by Chris Sugrue

I found Chris Sugrue’s Delicate Boundaries compelling because of its interactive and creative nature. Chris is an artist who specializes in interactive new media installations. She earned a Master’s of Fine Arts in Design and Technology from Parsons School of Design, and now is based in Paris, where she teaches at Parson’s campus there.

This piece allows users to watch as small bug-like creatures scuttle across a darkness, and come to life when hands touch the screen. The artist definitely knows how to make bugs look appealing; even though their movement and legs clearly indicate that they are creepy crawlers, their shapes are approachable and cute. I am curious as to why these critters were chosen to be the subjects of this project. It is remarkable how well the software is able to read the locations of hands, as well as the paths to follow along the arms, and I admire its blending of virtual and physical worlds (hence the title). Since it reacts to touch and is projected from above, I assume this effect is achieved through infrared/heat sensors.

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