Looking Outwards 09: A Focus on Women and Non-binary Practitioners in Computational Art 

Caroline Record’s Falling OBJs was such a delightful treat to look at. With her use of random, oscillating lines that transform the perceived object into something else entirely, as well as the colors utilized to portray a clash of normality and chaos, she showcases her artistic and coding skills in an intersection of art and technology. Within each piece, she utilizes motion, as well, to create a sense of dissolving and forming. Record is a developer and artist that focuses primarily on writing the software to bring her installations to life. She has a background in fine arts, programming, and user-interaction design, having studied it at Carnegie Mellon University. She is currently focused on creating more digital, interactive works to be displayed in museums. She has also contributed to projects such as Popbox, which studied childhood obesity and the pressures and constraints that lead the children to their unhealthy weight gain. 

Falling OBJs (Caroline Record)

Her website here

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