George Antheil composed this piece for a variety of mechanical instruments including player pianos, an airplane propeller, and a siren. It was originally for a film, but the score works on its own.
He also co-invented frequency hopping for steering torpedos (with Hedy Lamarr)!
I got to see a “live” fully automated performance of this at the national gallery many years ago:
Author: Matt Franklin
I'm a recovering engineer + sales guy...
BSEE from UMD 2004, and then 15 years of working with signal processing, AV, control systems, networking, and other gadgetry (mostly B2B). Now I'm in the Master of Human-Computer Interaction program, graduating in August 2020.
I have pretty solid experience with:
- Linux
- audio
- video
- rs232/422/485/midi/dmx protocols
- sketchup and other cad tools
- soldering
- music (mostly guitar, but others too)
- general troubleshooting
- networking (wired + wireless)
- signal processing
- streaming video/audio
- python
I have some experience with or am mediocre at:
- woodworking
- welding
- laser cutting
- sewing
- reverse engineering
- ML (none really but I'm currently in a class)
- some javascript
- rusty with C++ and Java, but used to be decent
- tube amplifiers
- RF
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