
I learned that the river “deletes” part of itself in favor of a shorter path and creates oxbow lake, and Hodgin took in consideration of such phenomenon in his project.

Another part I really liked/learned is that the mixture of curving(representing paths that naturally developed over time) and non-curving(representing artificially made roads) vectors result in a resemblance of intersecting roads.


A repeating theme from the sources is that time is dependent on experience, and the division of time shapes the world by structuring our experience of it. I never thought deep about time and its relation with experience, which is a highly subjective, intangible concept. This is super intriguing.



It’s so beautiful and elegant. Something I learned from it other than I wanna become someone like this is that math is so important. I am really contemplating taking more calculation-based math classes. Another key take way is his level of attentiveness to detail. Everything put on there has been thought out completely and he is still in the process of changing its logic to make it better.


marimonda – timekeeping

I really enjoyed the readings and videos for this week, I actually ended up watching most of Dr. Donna Caroll’s video and the part that really struck with me of her video was her description of the disruptive nature of Roman time-keeping and how time developed this system of arbitrary months, in part due to cultural pressures. I think this video specifically (though Johanna Drucker and lepw76 go into this as well) made me consider the relationship between ‘accuracy’ and culture . As humans we often have this drive to aspire for accuracy (through patterns we observe, especially in the case of yearly calendars) while imposing a vision of what we believe reality is (in terms of mythos, counting systems, creation), and how this enhances or builds into the narratives we make.

marimonda – meander

Reading this was really insightful in the way that it put into formal, real words a lot of the ideas I was having when creating my map assignment. That generation of randomness of streets and rivers is something that I tried to simply emulate using randomness and it took me some time to realize that it isn’t enough to just create random lines starting from a center but actually have multiple points (or in the case of rivers, a line) to start paving and building the terrain.