

About the Territory

People living and traveling across the outer space might not just a fictional story. If traveling to space becomes just as easy and fast as traveling to another country around the Earth now, what would the map of the universe look like? There would be more things to keep track of to locate oneself, potentially much more than our current 3 dimensional location and time.

Technical Process

From selecting colors, location, and shapes to selecting names for each planets, I used randomization to almost every element in this project. I had three different for loops generating planets of different sizes to create well-spread depth of 3 dimensional space, yet one thing I wish I could do was creating the planets closer to the window(i.e. bigger) to be 3D, not flat like in the current state of the project. Perhaps the mixture of 2D and 3D looking planets could have contribute more to creating an experience of looking at an unknown, abnormal map of an unfamiliar space. In terms of time dimension, I came up with a fake time counting system All Universe Time (AUT) and randomized a number, as well as the +/- symbol, to mimic our current time counting system(GMT+/-, UTF+/-,etc.).