This project called Programmable Droplets for Interaction is created by the MIT media lab's Tangible Media group. LINK
It uses the technique called “electrowetting on dielectric” (EWOD) to create controllable droplets that can be translating, morphing, merging, and splitting multiple droplets simultaneously.The concept is to utilize something so ordinary in our daily lives to function as information display, and one of the possible way to integrate it in our daily life is demonstrated by the GIF below. The droplet can be used to create "handwritten", thus becoming an extension of us to simulate human actions without us being physically there, yet delivering a similar level of authenticity and love we wish to convey.
It intrigues me because of the simplicity and beauty of the droplets, as well as the poetic concept. The level of control we can control and simulate an organic and delicate substance in our lives fascinates me.