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This work created by artist and composer Dylan Sheridan is called Bellow. It is a digital installation that plays live music through an artificial irrigation system, automated fingers and electronic sensors. I was searching through’s page and found this post, which eventually led me to this project. I found this work particularly interesting because of how the artist tries to synthesize natural phenomena with artificial sounds and physical components. While it is a manmade recreation of a cave-like environment, the installation does not attempt to copy what an actual cave would look and sound like other than showing a tiny piece of turf. Instead it focuses on the sound composition, how the sounds are being played, and how the interaction should happen. It somehow reminds me of a Rube Goldberg machine with its usage of different trigger components and complexity of the sound composing process.

sticks – 05-CriticalInterface

After reading the Critical Interface Manifesto by the Spanish HANGAR collective, I chose the following tenet:

La interfaz se da en el pliegue entre el espacio y el tiempo; es dispositivo y situación simultáneamente. Es render (actualiza condiciones pensadas) y emergencia (ensambla algo nuevo). The interface exists in the crease between space and time; it is a device and simultaneously a situation. It is rendered (updated under thoughtful conditions) and emergent (joining into something new).

  • Try to delay your interaction with the interface by counting to 10 before clicking. Count to 100. Wait an hour, a day. (1+cH)
  • Invite yourself to act and perform in a different way. Imagine a different gender, age, location, character, social position for 20 minutes every day. Review how the render changes. (1+cH)
  • Delay answers, read twice, imagine impact. (1+cH)

I found this tenet particularly interesting, as it allowed me to reflect on what an interface is supposed to do, and envisioned this in the context of using the internet as the interface. With such advanced detection and adaptability in today’s modern search engine, the search engine interface tracks and adjusts to your typing behavior and sets up this world for you. The whole idea behind an interface is to bridge the gap between what is real and what isn’t real, and to make an interface that is invisible means adapting and adjusting perfectly to the user’s expectations; to create a fake and reality, like a simulation or situation.

I found this intersting in the line where it suggests and idea of performing in a different way, and seeing how the search engine reacts to that decision. I think it’s sometimes amusing how accurate and how observant the search engine could be, whether it recommends something which you just thought about or just looked over again a couple minutes after searching. As stated in the tenet, the interface is something which is rendered simultaneously, “off of thoughtful conditions”, where it adheres and transforms through time.

The idea behind “inviting” yourself to use the internet through the lenses and behavior in a different manner is an interesting yet creepy experiment I am interested on exploring. I want to find out to what extent can I transform my internet interface based off manipulating my age, gender, and social behavior?


Priscilla Bracks’ and Gain Sade’s e. Meura Superba (2009) is a robotic bird sculpture. Besides its slightly terrifying exterior, the bird is equipped with facial recognition and tracking software. As a result, when people approach the bird, the bird can sometimes look directly into their eyes. Additionally, the bird can become nervous in large groups of people, or become distant and moody when ignored. According to the creators, e. Menura Supurba is an interactive artwork and it explores the paradox between people’s fascination with the exotic and a dystopian future devoid of many animal species. The bird was modeled off of the Australian lyre bird, known for its ability to mimic natural and human sounds in their habitats. I chose this project because it reminded me of rumors about pigeons being robots placed by the government to spy on the public. The camera eye and shutter noise are off-putting because it feels like the bird is collecting information on you. However, I love the sporadic movement of its head and the continuously changing glow of its body. When I look at the piece, there’s a mix of fascination and terror, which only makes me want to see what it’ll do next.

Priscilla Bracks and Gavin Sade – eMeuraSuperba, Robotic Sculpture 2009

sticks – Looking Outwards-03


AeroMORPH, a project created in the MIT Media Lab is a project that explores the creation of 3D elements through 2D materials at the intersection of origami and machine learning. The project implements many elements of art and math, where knowledge and skillsets in geometry, origami, and digital fabrication combine in creating interactive wearables and industrial design with precision.

I find this project to be fascinating and one which stands out from other projects in the way origami, a historic and traditional Japanese art could be used in industrial design. I really enjoy seeing classical techniques that are centuries old in application with today’s technology, where something like AeroMORPH can utilize the art and efficiency of origami and the creation of something ergonomic, crafty, yet elegant.

marimonda – CriticalInterface

I made the mistake of reading thoroughly through each of the axioms and the small prompts for each of them, which made it incredibly difficult in finding one single quote to expand on.

At last, I chose this one:

La interfaz acumula trazas: rastros y restos de todos los (ag)entes que confluyen en ella

“Ask someone you trust to collect all traces stored on his/her computer and do the same. Exchange files and describe a character that fits this information. Do the same with someone you don’t know”

This specific proposition is incredibly powerful to me because it has a certain applicability to the sort of questions I have been asking myself recently about what it means to be a person in a world that has surveillance so thoroughly ingrained in our day to day life. Today, in between going through this reading, I came across this tweet  and it really put into perspective just how pervasive the digital tracking and profiling of our identities comes into play. For one, many of our interactions with day to day websites will have some sort of trackers or ad trackers that either use scripts of code or literal images to profile your device for the sake of identifying you as a potential user or consumer. In a way, it is that “dystopian” future we often spoke about, where mass surveillance dominates our lives, and I often wonder how we look on the other side of the information conglomerates that own our interactions with the digital world. I don’t find this scary at all. How much of me as a person has become readily accessible and summarizable by the way my system interprets the pixels of an image? Is this bad? Should I revel in this and make myself as exposable as I can be or use only burner phones for the rest of my life? The idea of having an identity constructed by a set of identifiers that can be accessed in a sort of abstract way is something I have been considering, and I think with this I think a lot about who people become on the other side.

marimonda – LookingOutwards03

Hannah Perner-Wilson, high/low tech wearables and textiles hacker

Choosing a piece from Hannah Perner-Wilson’s repertoire was really difficult because I think she makes some really interesting work. One of the articles linked mentioned the propensity of gloves as an area of study for physical computists(?) and I saw that reflected in her work in a really fun way but I ended up choosing this really simple project and more “functional” project.

I find this piece of work incredibly interesting for three questions/points of explorations it proposes for me: interface, surveillance and ownership.

So I did the readings in a different order, and I read the manifesto first and I think a lot about the reasons we as humans often have a little bit of nostalgia towards analog technology that didn’t have as many augmentative agents as we do now, it also didn’t have as complicated and developed forms of tracking us. It wasn’t an absorbing mode of social media. And what fascinates me about this project is the turning of this sort of digital horror to a self made system. It is interesting to me, reading her process in trying to make this phone functional for her and detailing the many interface problems it presents.

It’s functional, but not perfectly so. It’s inconvenient, but in the way that’s only noticeable through the passage of time and the development of new technologies and thorough interface agents.



Critical Interface Manifesto

Tenet #4: “The interface collects traces: traces and remains of all agents/agencies which converge in it”
Provided propositions:
• “Swap computers with your partner for a week. Swap computers with a stranger for a day.”
• “Avoid synchronizing your devices…or you will be hunted and tracked down.”
• “Use your first Nokia 3210 phone again (try not to get too nostalgic about it).”
• “Become an Open Data Donor. Only give data deliberately and make sure it stays Open.”

I chose this tenet because it is so blatantly obvious, yet I don’t think we as a society stop and realize it/really care enough to think about. We are so connected to our devices that they have basically become a digital copy of ourselves and our identity. If you only see the interface without the user, you (as a third-party observer) can still reveal personality traits, identity characteristics of the user, and the other agents that have come across the interface. Through people’s applications, messages, personal photos, etc. – people’s traces and information are stored into the interface and has given that interface a collection of your identity. An example of this I think is really just our daily lives nowadays. I doubt the majority of us can live without our phones/computers for one day (me included). Our technology has become so significant in our lives to make us feel included into society, and we’ve lost touch with reality and society in a sense since we’ve depended on our devices for so long (i.e. not memorizing our address book and contact numbers, needing a GPS to move around a city instead of memorizing a city’s map, etc.) I just find it interesting that our interfaces have almost become ourselves, but has the capability to retain more knowledge about us than we can about ourselves.


Sachiko Kodama & Minako Takeno’s “Protrude, Flow” // 2001

This work is an interactive installation that expresses a man’s desire and passion for life, and moves like our instinctual feelings – unlike machines, this installation reminds us of the energy pulsating in our own body. It was created using a black magnetic fluid that is manipulated through sound. The fluid’s movements are due to changes in a magnetic fluid produced by several electromagnets installed above and below. Each electromagnet’s voltage is controlled according to the sound input of the spectators’ voices in the exhibition space by computer processing, making the fluid pulsate like a living being. Specifically, the sounds are captured by microphones hanging from the ceiling, then a computer converts the sound amplitude into electromagnetic voltage, determining the strength of the magnetic field.

What I found interesting about this project were the forms that were created through people’s voices. Although the artists said it was supposed to mimic the energy pulses of a living being and express man’s desires, I didn’t really get that feeling from watching the videos and seeing the images. To me, it seems like particles and individual parts forming into one whole individual being/form – focusing on creating societies, one together form. The installation is really mesmerizing and the landscapes formed are so interesting to watch. The fluid forms spikes but the multitude of spikes throughout the work end up being super organic and fluid.

Still image of the installation