It was very fun to experience how they would respond to inputs I would expect to be tricky to work with.
60-212: Interactivity and Computation for Creative Practice
CMU School of Art / IDeATe, Fall 2020 • Prof. Golan Levin
It was very fun to experience how they would respond to inputs I would expect to be tricky to work with.
One idea that I thought was very interesting from the john Oliver video, although it was touched upon in a few other texts too is the idea that AI is commonly seen as purely objective. often people will view the product of some AI as proof to a statement rather than a product of inherent biased .
Another interesting point that was made in quite a few texts was the idea of universality in machine learning and AI. A lot of machines are not trained on wide cultural or racial background. This then favors people of a certain race or culture that would otherwise not be, and makes their life much easier when it comes to this piece of technology.