
  • Technical Implementation:
    • Instagram Scraping Tools/Tutorials
      • Apify – Instagram Scraper:  I played around with this tool for a bit. Overall, it’s really easy to use. Pros: fast, easy, I don’t need to do much other than inputting the Instagram page link. Cons: It crapes a lot of information, some of which are irrelevant to me. This requires me to filter/clean up the output file.  And is doesn’t directly output the pictures, instead, it provides the display URL for each image, and the URL expires after a certain amount of time.
      • GitHub – Instagram scraper :
        • There is a youtube tutorial showing how to use this.
        •  I simply could not get this one to work on my laptop, though it sees to work for others. Need to play around with this a bit more.
      • Python library  – BeautifulSoup:
      • Alternative method: Manually screenshot pictures
        • Although this is boring, redundant work, it gives me more control on what pictures I want to use to train my GAN.
    • Pix2Pix: If time allows, I want to look into using webcam to record hand posture and generate images based on realtime camera input.


Because I am finishing up previous projects, this post will be about telematic experiences. I want to make a simple game or communication method for friends online, I looked at some apps and websites that I enjoy playing or using with my friends.

One game that me and my friends played a lot during quarantine was Drawphone. Basically, each person in the group draws a prompt given by another person in the group and it continues like the game telephone. A simple drawing game like this brings a lot of joy and laughter, which is something I want to emulate.

Also, I took some inspiration from upperclassmen in design who created a website/application called Pixel Push. The project allows for groups of friends to draw together using their webcams as the paintbrush. They used simple tools like HTML, p5.js,, and Google teachable machine to achieve the end result. These are technologies we learned about in class, so I didn’t have to research about them.


Inspirational Work

Ines Alpha

I find the textures used in Alpha’s work to be inspirational–and how the fluid yet superficial texture flows out of the eyes. I also noticed that the fluid sometimes disappears into the space and sometimes flows down along the surface of the face. It seems to differ depending on the angle of the face, and I wonder how Alpha achieves such an effect.

Aaron Jablonski

I found this project captivating as it had similar aspects to my initial ideas in that it places patches of colors on the face (it reminded me of how paint acts in water). Further, this filter was created using Snap Lens Studio, which led me to recognize the significant capabilities of this tool.

Snap Lens Studio

To implement my ideas, I’m planning on utilizing Snap Lens Studio, which I was able to find plenty of YouTube tutorials for. Though I will have to constantly refer back to the tutorials throughout my process, I was able to learn the basics of Snap Lens Studio, how to alter the background, and how to place face masks by looking through the tutorials. I also found a tutorial regarding the material editor that Aaron Jablonski referred to in his post. I believe this feature would allow me to explore and incorporate various textures into my work.