class 3, Sept. 6

meet in Studio A + attendance
slack and class questionnaire
look at dyed skeins, problem solving tangled yarn, butterflies + tags
identify your loom with tape + name
thread the rigid heddle loom with partner in class
simple warping for rigid heddle loom
warping in less than 3 minutes

useful book: Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom: Discover the Full Potential of the Rigid-Heddle Loom, for Beginners and Beyond

watch weaving presentation from the beginning (the two links below belong with the presentation but youtube keeps removing my video if I keep them in one file)
*butterflies for each color with tag for color
*skeins that have either been rolled into a neat ball or into an orderly skein (tie skeins in at least 4 places and twist for storage)

making core memory
that time when computer memory was woven by women
Ken Shirriff’s blog: software woven into wire: core rope and the Apollo Guidance Computer
Core memory weavers and Navajo women made the Apollo missions possible