Class 1, August 30
review syllabus + welcome slideshow
spinning presentation
demo: spinning, Niddy Noddy
spin 5 yards of thread alongside the rural weavers of Huancarani, Bolivia
(all how to videos are here under Assignments: Samples and Challenges)
fill out questionnaire
acquire materials (list in syllabus)
watch The Fabric of Civilization: How Textiles Made the World (start at min. 3:30, end min. 29)
Silk Weaving
How was it made? Golden spider silk
How Mountains Of Worm Cocoons Are Turned Into Expensive Silk In Vietnam
Spinning flax on an in-hand spindle
Making Cloth from Tree Bark with Ainu in Japan
Flax to linen: from sowing to sewing
Spin Like a Viking
The Making of Infinited Fiber – A Virtual Tour
Chemical Textile Recycling 👕 Towards Sustainability and a Circular Economy | ‘Fibres of Gold’