attendance, weaving assignment overview
weaving demo: weft techniques
weaving assignment + previous student work
look at sewing samples, leave class with synthetic felt for appliqué + muslin
useful book: Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom: Discover the Full Potential of the Rigid-Heddle Loom, for Beginners and Beyond
weave 6 inches minimum, reference Tapestry Weaving Resources for technical help
watch playlist: Weavers Throughout Time and Place
watch hand sewing powerpoint (from Soft Fabrication micro)
follow videos under basic hand sewing samples to complete basic sewing stitches, use 3 six by six pieces of muslin:
*basting stitch, tiny running stitch, backstitch
*overcast, blanket, appliqué (use synthetic felt or fabric of choice)
*hem stitch, hem whip stitch