Improvisation Inflatables | Bridget Doherty

This was a good exercise in a new material, and I had a pretty good time playing and seeing how I could piece them together to get some fun irregular shapes. Getting the last piece seamed in place was always the hardest part.

I started with a larger rectangle of plastic and cut slits as if to create darts. Instead, I added more material which didn’t exactly turn out as I expected (acute angles are very hard to heat seal) but I created an interesting shape nonetheless.

This one played with translucent/transparent plastic, which was fun in the sense that you could see the ‘guts’ of the object and also see through it as you were blowing it up, and conversely, people could watch you get lightheaded as you blew it up.

Honorable mentions to the sphere that finally looks like a sphere.

And also to the sewing samples that lived in my backpack for a week.

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