Diana Connolly – Looking Outwards 2


Light Sculpture of Flames is an art installation in Pace Gallery’s teamLab location in Menlo Park, CA. When I visited this gallery, this was the first piece that I saw and it was truly breathtaking. The teamLab artists created an installation using light bulbs organized in a gridded cube pattern, set to flash using an algorithm to mimic the movements of fire. The algorithm makes lightbulb clusters fire at a certain time, each with assigned hue and brightness. This setup adds a new depth to capturing the essence of fire, through the use of art. In 2D art, one can express the warmth of a fire, but can’t quite express the liveliness and volume. In 3D sculpture, one can express the volume of the fire better, but can’t express its movement or its internal workings. For Light Sculpture of Flames, the artists chose this 3D yet see-through light show for the sake of getting a sense of the fire’s volume while also being able to see its inner core. This ‘3D pointillism’ adds more depth to the perception of the fire, as the viewer is able to perceive the lively movements of the fire while also seeing its brighter internal layers contrasted with its dark red outer layers.

Link to the piece:

Light Sculpture of Flames beta ver from teamLab on Vimeo.

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