Isabella Hong-Project-02


// Isabella Hong
// Section A
// Project-02

// eye color and placement  
var I = 25;

// pupils 
var p = 15;

//eye color 
var eyeColorR = 255;
var eyeColorG = 255; 
var eyeColorB = 255;

//skin color 
var skinColorR = 255;
var skinColorG = 229;
var skinColorB = 180;

//nose color 
var nColorR = 255;
var nColorG = 229; 
var nColorB = 180;

//mouth size 
var m = 12;

//surprise lines thickness
var sl = 10;


function setup() { 
	createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {

		fill(skinColorR, skinColorG, skinColorB);
		ellipse(width / 2, height / 2.3, 200, 250);  
		fill(eyeColorR, eyeColorG, eyeColorB);
		var ILX = width / 2 - 200 * 0.25; 
		var IRX = width / 2 + 250 * 0.25;
		ellipse(ILX - 40, height / 2.5, I, I + 10);
		ellipse(IRX - 80, height / 2.5, I, I + 10);

		ellipse(ILX - 40, height / 2.5, p - 5, p + 5);
		ellipse(IRX - 80, height / 2.5, p - 5, p + 5);

		fill(nColorR, nColorG, nColorB);
		triangle(260, 260, 202, 240, 260, 200);

		fill(231, 84, 128);
		ellipse(270, 280, m, m);

	//surprise lines 
		stroke(173, 216, 230);
		line(100, 100, 150, 150);
		line(550, 100, 450, 150);
		line(325, 60, 325, 5);
		line(460, 240, 580, 240);
		line(212, 100, 150, 15);


function mousePressed(){
	//skin color changing
	skinColorR = random(250, 255);
	skinColorG = random(220, 255);
	skinColorB = random(180, 255);

	//eye color changing
	eyeColorR = random(0, 255);
	eyeColorG = random(0, 255);
	eyeColorB = random(0, 255);

	//eye size changing
	I = random(35, 70);

	//pupil size changing
	p = random(20, 30);

	//nose color changing
	nColorR = random(0, 255);
	nColorG = random(0, 255);
	nColorB = random(0, 255);

	//mouth size changing
	m = random(12, 60);

	//surprise lines thickness changing 
	sl = random(10, 25);




Process Work
Process Work

For Project 02, I decided to convey the emotion of surprise by assigning variables to various facial features and having them change to random colors and increase in size. I used the range 0-255 for all RGB colors to increase the unpredictability of what one would see after clicking upon the image.

The most difficult aspect of this project was making sure that I used all the variables correctly and my code was easily readable. Keeping my code organized was essential in order to ensure that I was changing the elements I intended to.

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