GraceCha – LookingOutwards – 4


Fraction’s work on 3D ambisonics experimental music and joined by Louis-Philippe St Arnault, Nature Graphique and Creation Ex Nihilo which was presented during IX Symposium on immersive experience (may 2015).

Apart from the fact that I was drawn to the name of the project “Entropia” (reminds me of Entropy),  I was drawn to the magnitude and out-of-this-worldness of this sound artist “Fraction”(or in other words the eireness).  I was really impressed by the marriage of many aspects of the senses- audio, physical, and360° visuals- to give an interactive experience for the audience (who are laying down on their backs!)

The sound manipulation by immersive electronic music sound data (which is live time performed by the man in the globe) is translated to “physical sound” through use of complex lighting systems that are manipulated by the sound data real time.  It’s almost like a conversation between the light and sound.

Light reacts to the sound data coming from dome
3D interactive experience for views

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