Brandon Darreff – Project 05 – Wallpaper


//Brandon Darreff

//Section A 



var bl; //background line x positions
var cv; //bezier curve y positions
var lcir; //large circle diameter
var scir; //small circle diameter
var cy; //circle y position
var cx; //circle x position

function setup() {

    createCanvas(500, 700);

function draw() {


	for(bl = -100; bl < width; bl += 50) { //background white slanted lines

		stroke(255, 40);
		line(bl, 0, bl + 100, height);

	for (var cv = -50; cv < height + 50 ; cv += 45) { //background bezier curves

		stroke(200, 50);
		strokeWeight(random(0.25, 2));
		bezier(0, cv - 50, 150, cv - 160, 300, cv + 190, width, cv);

		stroke(231, 181, 144, 70);
		strokeWeight(random(0.25, 5));
		bezier(0, cv, 150, cv - 150, 300, cv + 200, width, cv - 50);

	for (cy = 95; cy < height; cy += 170){  //large foreground circles
		for (var z = 100; z < width; z += 150) {
			for (lcir = 15; lcir <= 125; lcir *= 1.1) {
				fill(255, 5);
				ellipse(z, cy, lcir, lcir);

	for (cy = 140; cy < height; cy += 170){ // circles bottom right quadrant
		for (cx = 130; cx < width; cx += 150) {
			for (scir = 15; scir <= 50; scir *= 1.1) {
				ellipse(cx, cy, scir, scir);
	for (cy = 50; cy < height; cy += 170){ // circles upper left quadrant
		for (cx = 70; cx < width; cx += 150) {
			for (scir = 15; scir <= 50; scir *= 1.1) {
				ellipse(cx, cy, scir, scir);

My initial idea for this project was to explore arraying flowers across the canvas but as I kept working I became more interested in using geometric elements. The resultant wallpaper is a more contemporary version of my starting sketch.


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