Michal Luria – 09 – Portrait


/*  Submitted by: Michal Luria
    Section A: 9:00AM - 10:20AM

var originalImage;

function preload() {
    var myImageURL = "http://i.imgur.com/vUZZk6h.jpg"; //image link
    originalImage = loadImage(myImageURL); //load image

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500); 
    originalImage.loadPixels(); //load pixels

function draw() {

    for (var i = 0; i < 500; i ++){ //draw 500 pixels each frame

        var px = random(width); //draw a line in a random x
        var py = random(height); //draw a line in a random y
        var ix = constrain(floor(px), -20, width-1); //constrain x
        var iy = constrain(floor(py), -20, height-1); //contrain y
        var theColorAtLocationXY = originalImage.get(ix, iy); //what is the color at a specific location

        var curveX1 = random(1,15); //start of curve (X)
        var curveX2 = curveX1 + random(1,15); //second point - same direction(X)
        var curveX3 = curveX2 + random(1,15); //third point - same direction (X)

        var curveY1 = random(1,15); //start of curve (Y)
        var curveY2 = curveY1 + random(1,15); //second point - same direction(Y)
        var curveY3 = curveY2 + random(1,15); //third point - same direcation(Y)

        var strokeSize = random(1,3); //stroke weight random

        stroke(theColorAtLocationXY); //stroke in the color of pixel

        curve(px, py, px+curveX1, py+curveY1, px+curveX2, py+curveY2, px+curveX3, py+curveY3); //draw curve



In this portrait I wanted to create a feeling of a drawn portrait. To do this, I created random sized curves, in different angles, but all drawn to the same direction to create an artistic style. This is inspired by artists in the impressionist movement. The different sized curves create a sense of brushstrokes, and end up in an image that is not completely clear, but gives a sense of the portrait mood.

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