Jacky Tian’s LookingOutwards-02

idea space – a cyclic universe by karsten schmidt

A screenshot of cyclic universe by Karsten Schmidt

This generative artwork is a timelapse animation where digital artist Karsten Schmist created a ongoing visualization project of space where steadily increasing number of moving particles are attractive by slow moving, invisible gravitational force centres. The imaginary cylindrical space act as a four dimensional canvas where the moving particles will leave permanent traces in time as well as in space. The paradoxical set up created ironical results that even with the increase of particles approaching to infinite, there is no increase in computational cost.

From the image, one can see the the particles have larger movements when they are far away from the gravitational centres. On the other hands, near gravitational centres, the density of particles is significantly higher than far away places. This symbolizes the shift of the university.

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