Julia Nishizaki – Project 02 – Variable Face

For this project, I decided to create different monsters/creatures, and focussed on conveying both their physical characteristics as well as their emotions or personalities. When approaching this project, I struggled with deciding on a concept, and kept it fairly simple, changing more of the facial aspects of the creatures, rather than adding arms or tails.


//Julia Nishizaki
//Section B
//Section B, Project 02 Variable Face

// starting variables
var eyeSize = 20;
var faceWidth = 150;
var faceHeight = 200;
var CornerT = 30;
var CornerB = 15;
var toothExistence1 = 0;
var toothExistence2 = 0;
var faceY = 340;
var bodyWidth = 250;
var mouthWidth = 100;
var mouthHeight = 50;
var eyebrowY = 320;
var r = 243;
var g = 179;
var b = 174;
var pupilDX = 6;
var pupilDY = 5;
var w = 5
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 640);
function draw() {
    //background color
    fill(r, g, b, 55);
    rect(width / 2, height / 2, width, height);

    var faceX = width / 2;
    rect(faceX - bodyWidth / 2, faceY + faceHeight / 2, faceX + bodyWidth / 2, height, CornerT, CornerT, 0, 0);
    fill(r, g, b, 100);
    rect(faceX - bodyWidth * 0.25, faceY + faceHeight * 0.75, faceX + bodyWidth * 0.25, height, 50, 50, 0, 0);
    rect(faceX, faceY, faceWidth, faceHeight + 1, CornerT, CornerT, CornerB, CornerB);
    fill(r, g, b);
    var mouthY = faceY + faceHeight * 0.25
    rect(faceX, mouthY, mouthWidth, mouthHeight, 50, 50, 50, 50);

    //tooth and teeth
    triangle(faceX * toothExistence1, (mouthY - mouthHeight / 2 - 1) * toothExistence1, (faceX + mouthWidth * 0.5) * toothExistence1, (mouthY - mouthHeight / 2 - 1) * toothExistence1, (faceX + mouthWidth * 0.25) * toothExistence1, mouthY * toothExistence1);
    triangle(faceX * toothExistence2, (mouthY - mouthHeight / 2 - 1) * toothExistence2, (faceX - mouthWidth * 0.5) * toothExistence2, (mouthY - mouthHeight / 2 - 1) * toothExistence2, (faceX - mouthWidth * 0.25) * toothExistence2, mouthY * toothExistence2);

    var eyeLX = faceX - faceWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = faceX + faceWidth * 0.25;
    ellipse(eyeLX, faceY, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    ellipse(eyeRX, faceY, eyeSize, eyeSize);
    //eye pupils
    var pupilLX = eyeLX + eyeSize * 0.125;
    var pupilRX = eyeRX + eyeSize * 0.125;
    var pupilY = faceY + eyeSize * 0.125;
    ellipse(pupilLX - pupilDX, pupilY - pupilDY, eyeSize * 0.625, eyeSize * 0.625);
    ellipse(pupilRX - pupilDX, pupilY - pupilDY, eyeSize * 0.625, eyeSize * 0.625);
    line(eyeLX - eyeSize / 2, faceY - eyeSize, eyeLX + eyeSize / 2, eyebrowY);
    line(eyeRX + eyeSize / 2, faceY - eyeSize, eyeRX - eyeSize / 2, eyebrowY);

function mousePressed() {
    //color of background and mouth
    r = random(255);
    g = random(255);
    b = random(255);

    //face and body proportions
    faceY = random(200, 350);
    faceWidth = random(100, 250);
    faceHeight = random(150, 300);
    bodyWidth = random(50, 300);
    //roundness of face and body
    CornerT = random(10, 50);
    CornerB = random(10, 50);

    //size of eyes, angle of eyebrows, and location of pupils
    eyeSize = random(15, 40);
    let existence1 = ['0', '1'];
    eyebrowY = random(faceY - eyeSize * 0.5, faceY - eyeSize * 1.5);
    pupilDX = random(eyeSize * 0.25);
    pupilDY = random(eyeSize * 0.25);

    //stroke weight for eyebrows
    w = random(1, 15);

    //proportions of mouth and how many teeth
    mouthWidth = random(15, 100);
    mouthHeight = random(15, 50);
    toothExistence1 = random(existence1);
    let existence2 = ['0', '1'];
    toothExistence2 = random(existence2);

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