LookingOutwards 03- Claire Yoon

Stratasys 3D Printed Cape & Skirt with Objet Connex Multi-material 3D Printed Technology

Anthozoa is a 3D-printed dress that debuted during Paris Fashion Week Spring 2013. MIT collaborated with fashion designer Iris Van Herpen for her show “Voltage.” They used Stratasys’ unique Objet Connex multi-material 3D printing technology that incorporates both hard and soft materials, which add a nice contrast and movement to the piece. When you look at this design up close they seem rather like underwater corals or something that is related to nature.

I was amazed by the complexity but yet cohesiveness to the design. Unlike other dresses that also have variety of textures by incorporating 3D printing definitely adds more depth and texture to the design making it especially unique.

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