SooA Kim: Looking Outwards – 08

Portée/ — Interactive unfold of a music score in space from Lab212 on Vimeo. 

Béatrice Lartigue is a French new media artist and designer. She is an art director and teacher in Paris. She creates interaction installation works with a group of designers, artists, and anyone who is interested and has technological background, including Lab212 – a Paris based pluridisciplinary art collective. She has skills in architecture, where physical space setting matters and impacts her installation works by bringing poetic and humanistic approach. I admire one of her projects, “Portée, Monumental Unfold of a Music Score, 2014”. This interactive installation piece gives a collective multi-sensorial experience to the audience. Luminous threads or electroluminescent threads are installed with a grand piano inside a church. The visitors are invited to wonder around and experience the qualities of music when they touch and trigger the luminous threads. The music notes/melodies are associated to each thread and every time it vibrates by the interaction of the visitors, it will trigger the electro-mecanic grand piano to play the melody from it. There is a lot to learn from her process of the work; she makes her ideas clear to other collaborators by providing initial concept sketches to blueprint storyboard on how this project will be executed.


Eyeo 2015 – Béatrice Lartigue from Eyeo Festival on Vimeo.

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