Jina Lee – Looking Outwards 10

This is an image of what The Cycling Wheel is.

This week I decided to look at Keith Lam, Seth Hon and Alex Lai’s The Cycling Wheel. This project utilized Arduino as well as other processing softwares to make the bicycle an instrument of light and sound. I was drawn to this project, because I am currently taking an Introduction to Arduino class. I was intrigued with how they use this application because I can barely make an LED light turn on and off. When you turn the wheel of the bicycle, it turns different aspects such as the music and light bean and color of the light would be altered. The bike itself becomes an instrument and the controllers of the wheel become the musician. This concept is something I have never seen and thought it was so extremely creative.

With this project I admire how it allows anyone to become a musician. From my limited experience with Arduino, I am assuming that they were able to alter the color of the LED strip though the influence of the motion of the wheel. I am still unsure how they were able to connect the motion of lights with sound. I think this is a great example of how someone can incorporate sound with computational lights.

This is another image of The Cycling Wheel.

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